Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I'm kicking you out, 2008!

So another year is gone.
Really? I feel like this one just got here.
I can't complain. 2008 wasn't really the best year for me so I am welcoming 2009 with open arms and a fresh look at life.
I don't make "new years resolutions" per say but more of things that can make me a better person and after the holidays just seems like a good time to do it. It just so happens to fall under what most consider resolutions. Whatever you wanna call it, I'm ready.
I have been doing some major soul searching lately. Like making things good between me and Madd's father. I can't tell you how great I feel now that I've done that.
So that's one thing I've done to make my life better. Also, getting all of the losers that I thought were my friends out of my life. I quit cigarettes 3 months ago and [[ kinda ]] started eating better, which has made a vast improvement in my health. I realized a few weeks ago that I have finally found a carrer that I like and an office that I love and people that I adore working for and I don't plan on going anywhere. I've been here for almost 7 months and I feel that I am due for a raise as I haven't had one yet. I'm a bit nervous because I've never worked in an office and haven't had to ask for a raise before. Being a waitress for 7 years, if I wanted a raise, I worked more doubles! My boss is cool, so really, I shouldn't fret. That's another thing I need to improve for the new year, being assertive and not scared being too proud to ask for help.
Go team Nicole!

I had an awesome awesome awesome Christmas. And I'm pretty sure Maddox enjoyed his as well. I know how much my parents rock, but Christmastime reasures me of it. It's not the fact that they still give us a huge Christmas like when we were kids and spend lots of money on us, it's that they get so much joy out of seeing us happy and I know my mom loves seeing us get excited about the surprises!♥

My parents gave Madd a big wheel and he hasn't gotten off it since Christmas morning! I mean like omg, he is obssesed with it. It is very cute :-) His feet don't quite reach the peddels enough to push them so he pushes his feet on the floor.

I made off pretty well too! Haha...
These are my top 3 faves
This is my new l♥ve. I've wanted an ipod so bad for quite a while and although I knew I was gonna get it...I was still very estatic Christmas morning :-)
My really really warm and soft Aeropostale jacket is my favorite clothing item. I love the fur and the color and um...everything!

And my [[ eTnies ]]
Very excited about them bc I've always wanted some skate shoes, but they are always so expensive. Shoe Carnival raWks and so do their sales (I got shoe money in my stocking!). I got those and got Madd a super cute pair of New Balances and all I spent was $41.95!!! That is very exciting to me!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Yay for Christmas!!!!

M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S!!!!!!So, it's been a while since I've posted. A month to be exact. My life is a bit outta control right now. You know, with it being Christmastime and everything. I love love love Christmas! Except for the part where I wait to the last minute to finish my Christmas shopping. That's right, it's Christmas eve and I AM NOT DONE!!! Ahhh...
Guess I'll be going to Target after I get off work...early! Wooo..

Maddox finally got some braces for his ankles. They'll make them much stronger. They are already helping him. He's bending his knees and walking much faster. Good thing too because my back is starting to hurt ALL THE TIME! He's just getting too big for mommy to carry him like a baby anymore. That kinda makes me sad :-( My baby is growing up.

^His tiny little braces aww^
^and the new shoes his dr. gave us for [[ free ]]^

So I guess then he thought he could wear uncle Jakes shoes. Haha

Also, I am very proud of myself bc I made things good between Jason (madd's father) and I.
I couldn't live the rest of my life having those ill feelings about him. We have a child together and whether we like it or not, we will always be a part of each others lives. Thinking negatively about him all the time was turning me into a bitter and mean person. I don't want to be that person. Since I talked to him, I have felt soooo much better. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I know one day Maddox will be very happy that I did that bc I know how happy of a person he is and I'm sure he would want his parents to be peaceful. I gotta look out for what my boo boo needs!!!

Yay...it's time to leave early!!!!

Ahhh I'm sooooo freakin excited for Christmas!!!
