Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
It's just another manic monday
Anyways, here's a recap of the weekend...
Well, I'll start with court last week since I didn't write anymore after Thursday. I couldn't believe I wasted and hour and half of my life up there. We waited about 30 mintues, they called our name, we got in the court room and got all situated, and he says he changed his mind and decided he will pay the $400/month plus an extra $40/month so he can catch up. Ughh are you serious!? I can't complain that much bc I am getting money.....finally!!!!!! It's about damn time! No worries :-) Daddy is still in the hospital. I hope his back gets better soon. I spent most of the weekend up there. I am 100% a daddy's girl and I hate seeing him like this. Maddox seems to be a bit confused about it. He gets really excited when we go up there. He lays in the bed with his grandaddy and has the biggest smile on his face. After we went up there for a little while on Saturday, we went to my aunts for Thanksgiving. It was [[ awesome ]]. My family sure knows how to cook! We played our favorite fame, Catch Phrase, and Maddox was finally nice to his cousin Victoria and followed her around. It was dark when we left, so of course, Madd fell asleep and went straight to bed when we got home :-) As tired as he was, he still woke up early sunday. Blah. Although, from what I hear, 8am isn't as bad as most kids. I made Madd and Chrissy the dog some eggs and took a shower and then attempted to clean. I was feeling really stuffy (I still am) and tired, so I didn't really accomplish much. That's what the pictures are from. We were playing instead of cleaning. It's Madd's fault. He kept distracting me and wanting me to read books. We went to the Children's Museum with Anne & Tommy after lunch. They had so much fun. Madd sure wore himself out. We went to the hospital after that to eat dinner with dad. He could barely stay awake to eat, so we didn't stay long. They moved dad to a new room and we left after that. Madd got a second wind when we got home. He went to bed soon after though. So of course when I am completely exhausted he decides to wake up at 12am. I got him all situated in his bed and covered him back up. As soon as I got back in bed, he started fussing again. So I put him in my bed and he slept with me. Our alarm clock is in the hospital and mom forget to set the real alarm clock last night as dad usually does that and we all overslept this morning. Lovely. I guess since I took Madd to school, he thought I was gonna stay with him. He was a little sad when I left. I visited dad during my lunch break since I need to go home and do laundry tonight. Oh's 430! Time for me to say bye bye and go home.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Confessions of a shopaholic
On to happier shopping :-) Madd and I went to the mall last night to get him some long johns and of course, I left with more than that. I can't help it, I'm addicted. Shopping has got to be my favorite past time lol. First we went to Ruby Tuesday to get some dinner. Now normally, Maddox loves eating out. Except for last night. He thought walking around the mall would be more fun. So as I'm walking to the salad bar, he started walking the other way. He threw a fit and I had to bribe him with food. Everything was kosher once we got our food. Maddox tried to drink the ranch and he got mad at me when I wouldn't share my tea. He got over it when I put him in his stroller and we started walking. We went to Old Navy first. They were having an [[ awesome ]] sale so I figured I might as well start on Christmas shopping. I got Madd 2 pairs of jeans and two has a deer on it and it says "I'm just a young buck" aww. I got a pair of jeans for now too. They are sooo warm, they have fleece linning on the inside of them. He wore them to school today. So I left there spending less than I thought I would. We then proceded to Sears, who was also having an [[awesome ]] sale. Well, I forgot we had to walk past the playground to get there. That didn't go over too well with the Madman. He got over it once we got into sears and started looking at clothes. I got him some super cute long johns to wear under his clothes. He's like his momma and hates to be cold! I got him a cute beanie that has a little visor on it and some matching gloves and a scarf too. He looks adorable :-) I spent a lot less there than I thought I would too...yay! Then Madd let me know it was time to leave. So we ran past the playground again and all the way back to the front of the mall all the while Madd is getting...well...mad lol. We hurried home, looked at all of the clothes a few times, said night night, and went to bed. He actually got a little upset and kinda fussed when I put him in his crib, which is odd as he LOVES going to bed at night, but it was fake and he stopped soon after. He was being super silly this morning. He was very happy bc grandaddy was home and he got to lay in bed with him.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
How bout them Cowboys!?
That night, Madd helped his Grandaddy and Uncle Buck hook up the surround sound in the den that night. Soo cute. He loves to help!
He was talking big time this morning. I'm guessing it was something about the school bus bc I asked him if he was ready for the bus while I was getting his hoodie and shoes on and he just started going on and on. I pray he's still lovin school this much 10 years from now.
Now I want to vent. I have noticed lately that some of my habits have changed. For once in my life they are all for the better. That doesn't mean I am happy with them. I'm not normally fond of change. One thing I don't like is that I'm not interested in dating...kind of. Ok, wtf? I'm 26 and I don't think I should be feeling that way. I used to be all about having a boyfriend. Not so much anymore. Maybe it's bc I'm too busy nowadays or maybe bc I've moved my focus in life from drooling over hot guys to making something for Maddox and I. There's an exception. His name is Paul. It's been a long time since someone has made me as happy as he does. I always get that warm fuzzy feeling when I'm with him and just thinking about him can put a smile on my face. We have dated on and off for the past couple years and everytime I've mentioned a relationship, he disapears for a few months. He finally told me he just isn't ready for a relationship right now. Hmm.. I've heard this one before. I have a wait..he told me he's not ready for a kid. This is what frustrates me. I should be pissed off at that and not talk to him anymore as that's what I would have done with any other guy. But I can't. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. He keeps calling and asking if I want to hang out and I keep making up excuses so as to not hang out. I don't want to do that bc I so badly want to see him. It hurts a little when I am with him so I think for now we'll just leave it at that. I keep hoping he'll change his mind. Am I stupid for waiting? There is honestly no other guy I would want to be with.
Ahh.. that feels better
I should find some work to do. blah...
p.s. check out this blog She is so funny. I've read one of her books and plan to read the rest this winter sometime. I kinda wanna be a writter like her.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
YAY friday!!!
One more hour and my weekend begins. This week went by super slow. I wasn't very busy at work but I had some dr appts. and Madd's IEP meeting. That was pretty exciting. They think he is doing wonderfully and I was pleased with everything they said. It took me awhile to adapt to the toddler life and until school started I still sometimes felt like I had a big baby. But he has grown up so much. Aww... he makes Mommy so proud ♥
I'm sure the Maddman will be tired tonight as he woke up at 430 this morning! I think he had a bad dream. Oh well, I wanna get up early tomorrow anyways and get some stuff done. I also want to go to CMoR to see the new town square they built. I'm sure that's something Madd will want to play with.