Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I'm kicking you out, 2008!

So another year is gone.
Really? I feel like this one just got here.
I can't complain. 2008 wasn't really the best year for me so I am welcoming 2009 with open arms and a fresh look at life.
I don't make "new years resolutions" per say but more of things that can make me a better person and after the holidays just seems like a good time to do it. It just so happens to fall under what most consider resolutions. Whatever you wanna call it, I'm ready.
I have been doing some major soul searching lately. Like making things good between me and Madd's father. I can't tell you how great I feel now that I've done that.
So that's one thing I've done to make my life better. Also, getting all of the losers that I thought were my friends out of my life. I quit cigarettes 3 months ago and [[ kinda ]] started eating better, which has made a vast improvement in my health. I realized a few weeks ago that I have finally found a carrer that I like and an office that I love and people that I adore working for and I don't plan on going anywhere. I've been here for almost 7 months and I feel that I am due for a raise as I haven't had one yet. I'm a bit nervous because I've never worked in an office and haven't had to ask for a raise before. Being a waitress for 7 years, if I wanted a raise, I worked more doubles! My boss is cool, so really, I shouldn't fret. That's another thing I need to improve for the new year, being assertive and not scared being too proud to ask for help.
Go team Nicole!

I had an awesome awesome awesome Christmas. And I'm pretty sure Maddox enjoyed his as well. I know how much my parents rock, but Christmastime reasures me of it. It's not the fact that they still give us a huge Christmas like when we were kids and spend lots of money on us, it's that they get so much joy out of seeing us happy and I know my mom loves seeing us get excited about the surprises!♥

My parents gave Madd a big wheel and he hasn't gotten off it since Christmas morning! I mean like omg, he is obssesed with it. It is very cute :-) His feet don't quite reach the peddels enough to push them so he pushes his feet on the floor.

I made off pretty well too! Haha...
These are my top 3 faves
This is my new l♥ve. I've wanted an ipod so bad for quite a while and although I knew I was gonna get it...I was still very estatic Christmas morning :-)
My really really warm and soft Aeropostale jacket is my favorite clothing item. I love the fur and the color and um...everything!

And my [[ eTnies ]]
Very excited about them bc I've always wanted some skate shoes, but they are always so expensive. Shoe Carnival raWks and so do their sales (I got shoe money in my stocking!). I got those and got Madd a super cute pair of New Balances and all I spent was $41.95!!! That is very exciting to me!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Yay for Christmas!!!!

M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S!!!!!!So, it's been a while since I've posted. A month to be exact. My life is a bit outta control right now. You know, with it being Christmastime and everything. I love love love Christmas! Except for the part where I wait to the last minute to finish my Christmas shopping. That's right, it's Christmas eve and I AM NOT DONE!!! Ahhh...
Guess I'll be going to Target after I get off work...early! Wooo..

Maddox finally got some braces for his ankles. They'll make them much stronger. They are already helping him. He's bending his knees and walking much faster. Good thing too because my back is starting to hurt ALL THE TIME! He's just getting too big for mommy to carry him like a baby anymore. That kinda makes me sad :-( My baby is growing up.

^His tiny little braces aww^
^and the new shoes his dr. gave us for [[ free ]]^

So I guess then he thought he could wear uncle Jakes shoes. Haha

Also, I am very proud of myself bc I made things good between Jason (madd's father) and I.
I couldn't live the rest of my life having those ill feelings about him. We have a child together and whether we like it or not, we will always be a part of each others lives. Thinking negatively about him all the time was turning me into a bitter and mean person. I don't want to be that person. Since I talked to him, I have felt soooo much better. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I know one day Maddox will be very happy that I did that bc I know how happy of a person he is and I'm sure he would want his parents to be peaceful. I gotta look out for what my boo boo needs!!!

Yay...it's time to leave early!!!!

Ahhh I'm sooooo freakin excited for Christmas!!!


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

And what a wonderful Thanksgiving it was.
Mostly bc of my moms amaaaazing cooking.
Madd was sick though :-(
He woke up with a massavely disgusting diaper and had gotten sick during the night. Wooo let me tell you how much I love waking up to that. I guess it's all part of being a mom and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I had to give him a bath and he played for a little while, but then started acting a little sickly. So I gave him some meds (or the little bit that was left after the bottle exploded on me. but that's another story) and rocked him and he fell asleep. He actually took 2 naps today! OMG! He acted like he was feeling a little better when he went to bed. We'll see how he feels tomorrow.

That's all for now. My favoritest cousin Tommy is here and he is going home Saturday so now I must go hang out with the fam[[ily]]

This is what I'm thankful for...
The most wonderful, loving family in the whole world (and my moms awesome cooking lol)

Monday, November 24, 2008

It's just another manic monday

Woo hoo...it's a 3 day work week! I love the holidays :-) No really, I do. Food food and more food haha. I need some new taste buds so I don't like food as much. Why couldn't I have been a picky eater so that I would be skinny right now! grr
Anyways, here's a recap of the weekend...

Well, I'll start with court last week since I didn't write anymore after Thursday. I couldn't believe I wasted and hour and half of my life up there. We waited about 30 mintues, they called our name, we got in the court room and got all situated, and he says he changed his mind and decided he will pay the $400/month plus an extra $40/month so he can catch up. Ughh are you serious!? I can't complain that much bc I am getting money.....finally!!!!!! It's about damn time! No worries :-) Daddy is still in the hospital. I hope his back gets better soon. I spent most of the weekend up there. I am 100% a daddy's girl and I hate seeing him like this. Maddox seems to be a bit confused about it. He gets really excited when we go up there. He lays in the bed with his grandaddy and has the biggest smile on his face. After we went up there for a little while on Saturday, we went to my aunts for Thanksgiving. It was [[ awesome ]]. My family sure knows how to cook! We played our favorite fame, Catch Phrase, and Maddox was finally nice to his cousin Victoria and followed her around. It was dark when we left, so of course, Madd fell asleep and went straight to bed when we got home :-) As tired as he was, he still woke up early sunday. Blah. Although, from what I hear, 8am isn't as bad as most kids. I made Madd and Chrissy the dog some eggs and took a shower and then attempted to clean. I was feeling really stuffy (I still am) and tired, so I didn't really accomplish much. That's what the pictures are from. We were playing instead of cleaning. It's Madd's fault. He kept distracting me and wanting me to read books. We went to the Children's Museum with Anne & Tommy after lunch. They had so much fun. Madd sure wore himself out. We went to the hospital after that to eat dinner with dad. He could barely stay awake to eat, so we didn't stay long. They moved dad to a new room and we left after that. Madd got a second wind when we got home. He went to bed soon after though. So of course when I am completely exhausted he decides to wake up at 12am. I got him all situated in his bed and covered him back up. As soon as I got back in bed, he started fussing again. So I put him in my bed and he slept with me. Our alarm clock is in the hospital and mom forget to set the real alarm clock last night as dad usually does that and we all overslept this morning. Lovely. I guess since I took Madd to school, he thought I was gonna stay with him. He was a little sad when I left. I visited dad during my lunch break since I need to go home and do laundry tonight. Oh look...it's 430! Time for me to say bye bye and go home.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Confessions of a shopaholic

Why do men have to be so ignorant? Yes, I am a bit perturbed right now. I am not a very complicated person and I don't like when complicated things enter my life. A few weeks ago I got a court summons from my wonderful ex (can you sense any sarcasam!?) and I was not very surprised when I read that he was filling for an amendment to the child support. DCSE raised it to $400 last month and apparently he doesn't feel that he should have to pay that much. Lovely (more sarcasam). He obviously does not realize if we were still together, he would be paying 4 times that amount. Anyways...fast forward to today. So I get to the courthouse early, sit and wait paitiently while feeling really uncomfortable bc I know he's just standing there staring at me. Loser. You can't intimadate me. Well, we got in the courtroom and he decides he has changed his mind and throws it out and even says he's gonna pay an extra $40 a month. Awesome. Thanks so much for wasting an hour and a half of my time and making me miss out on an hour and half of pay at work. I could think of a million and one things I would rather be doing than sitting on those uncomfortable wooden benches. So, we'll see how this goes. I should get more child support at the beginning of December and we go back to court in January. Let me tell you how excited I really am. Ugh

On to happier topics...like shopping :-) Madd and I went to the mall last night to get him some long johns and of course, I left with more than that. I can't help it, I'm addicted. Shopping has got to be my favorite past time lol. First we went to Ruby Tuesday to get some dinner. Now normally, Maddox loves eating out. Except for last night. He thought walking around the mall would be more fun. So as I'm walking to the salad bar, he started walking the other way. He threw a fit and I had to bribe him with food. Everything was kosher once we got our food. Maddox tried to drink the ranch and he got mad at me when I wouldn't share my tea. He got over it when I put him in his stroller and we started walking. We went to Old Navy first. They were having an [[ awesome ]] sale so I figured I might as well start on Christmas shopping. I got Madd 2 pairs of jeans and two shirts...one has a deer on it and it says "I'm just a young buck" aww. I got a pair of jeans for now too. They are sooo warm, they have fleece linning on the inside of them. He wore them to school today. So I left there spending less than I thought I would. We then proceded to Sears, who was also having an [[awesome ]] sale. Well, I forgot we had to walk past the playground to get there. That didn't go over too well with the Madman. He got over it once we got into sears and started looking at clothes. I got him some super cute long johns to wear under his clothes. He's like his momma and hates to be cold! I got him a cute beanie that has a little visor on it and some matching gloves and a scarf too. He looks adorable :-) I spent a lot less there than I thought I would too...yay! Then Madd let me know it was time to leave. So we ran past the playground again and all the way back to the front of the mall all the while Madd is getting...well...mad lol. We hurried home, looked at all of the clothes a few times, said night night, and went to bed. He actually got a little upset and kinda fussed when I put him in his crib, which is odd as he LOVES going to bed at night, but it was fake and he stopped soon after. He was being super silly this morning. He was very happy bc grandaddy was home and he got to lay in bed with him.

I really like this picture...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How bout them Cowboys!?

That's right...
We won...
On redskin turf!!!

and I won $10 bucks at work
bc unfortunately, I work with a bunch of redskin fans.
It was nice to have bragging rights yesterday :-)

Me & Madd went to the Children's Museum Sunday.
The new Town Square is so cute.
His favorite part was the car garage...no surprise there lol.
And he made a cute picture in the art studio. He colored with the markers and I helped him glue some different color paper on there. He didn't seem so excited about that. He's not a big art 'n crafts kinda kid.

That night, Madd helped his Grandaddy and Uncle Buck hook up the surround sound in the den that night. Soo cute. He loves to help!

He was talking big time this morning. I'm guessing it was something about the school bus bc I asked him if he was ready for the bus while I was getting his hoodie and shoes on and he just started going on and on. I pray he's still lovin school this much 10 years from now.

Now I want to vent. I have noticed lately that some of my habits have changed. For once in my life they are all for the better. That doesn't mean I am happy with them. I'm not normally fond of change. One thing I don't like is that I'm not interested in dating...kind of. Ok, wtf? I'm 26 and I don't think I should be feeling that way. I used to be all about having a boyfriend. Not so much anymore. Maybe it's bc I'm too busy nowadays or maybe bc I've moved my focus in life from drooling over hot guys to making something for Maddox and I. There's an exception. His name is Paul. It's been a long time since someone has made me as happy as he does. I always get that warm fuzzy feeling when I'm with him and just thinking about him can put a smile on my face. We have dated on and off for the past couple years and everytime I've mentioned a relationship, he disapears for a few months. He finally told me he just isn't ready for a relationship right now. Hmm.. I've heard this one before. I have a feeling..er wait..he told me he's not ready for a kid. This is what frustrates me. I should be pissed off at that and not talk to him anymore as that's what I would have done with any other guy. But I can't. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. He keeps calling and asking if I want to hang out and I keep making up excuses so as to not hang out. I don't want to do that bc I so badly want to see him. It hurts a little when I am with him so I think for now we'll just leave it at that. I keep hoping he'll change his mind. Am I stupid for waiting? There is honestly no other guy I would want to be with.

Ahh.. that feels better

I should find some work to do. blah...

p.s. check out this blog www.jennsylvania.com She is so funny. I've read one of her books and plan to read the rest this winter sometime. I kinda wanna be a writter like her.

Friday, November 14, 2008


[[ FiNALLY!!! ]]

What a week...

Glad it's over :-)

I took Maddox to see a dr. at Children's Hospital. I guess he's a children's podiatrist. Anyways, he prescribed Madd some AFO's. They're the small ones and only come up to his ankles. I'm a little worried he's not gonna like them and decide not to walk anymore. We'll see what happens. The appointment to get him fitted for them is the day before Thanksgiving. Then...

*No more doctor appointments for a while!* or atleast lets hope so.

It's supposed to rain this weekend. I think me and the Maddman might go check out the new town square at the Children's Museum. And I keep forgetting about story time at the library. We might go check that out too.

Friday, November 7, 2008

YAY friday!!!

This is an awesome picture...

I L.O.V.E when the


change colors.

Today was an absolutely beautiful day. Not that I got to enjoy much of it. I can see a little bit of sky through the tiny windows at the front of the office :-(

Perhaps it'll be nice this weekend. I think I already hear the park calling Madd's name...and maybe mine too lol.

One more hour and my weekend begins. This week went by super slow. I wasn't very busy at work but I had some dr appts. and Madd's IEP meeting. That was pretty exciting. They think he is doing wonderfully and I was pleased with everything they said. It took me awhile to adapt to the toddler life and until school started I still sometimes felt like I had a big baby. But he has grown up so much. Aww... he makes Mommy so proud

I'm sure the Maddman will be tired tonight as he woke up at 430 this morning! I think he had a bad dream. Oh well, I wanna get up early tomorrow anyways and get some stuff done. I also want to go to CMoR to see the new town square they built. I'm sure that's something Madd will want to play with.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

The moth that came back from the dead

This is my new moth friend. I first saw him in my bathroom on Monday. He wasn't there on Tuesday. Then yesterday morning I saw him laying on the counter. He had his wings folded up and was laying on his side, so I figured he was dead. Moths are like butterflys so I don't like killing them as they are "nice bugs" lol. So I left him there and figured I would throw him away that evening. Well, when I went to look for him, he was gone! Then this morning he was flying around the bathroom! OMG it's a miracle! He came back from the dead. Or maybe he was sleeping. Do moths sleep? That's kinda weird.

Maddox and I found a new playground the other weekend. Actually, I knew it was there but they just put in all new playground equipment and we L♥VE it! They're putting in new playground equip. on all the playgrounds on springfield and francistown roads. Now that he's walking, it's so much more fun for us. He is great at climbing the stairs...as long as there are handrails and really loves going down the slide. The playground is awesome, it has all these things to climb on, multiple slides, and all kinds of things to play with. But all Madd wants to do is swing. Seriously!? I mean I'm glad he found something he likes but that's ALL he wants to do! I try and convince him to get on the playground and sometimes it works...but he knows which way to go to get to the slide that takes him to the swings and then runs to them and superglues himself to it. If I don't put him there, he throws a fit. Grrr... He needs to learn to swing himself...ie. pumping his legs...and then both Madd & Mommy will be happy.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Happy Friday!!! My favorite day of the week :) I don't know what I'm going to do this weekend. The temp. is supposed to get up to 100*!!! No playing outside for me. Is it just me or does it get hotter and more humid every summer? One day we're gonna walk outside and start sizzilin like bacon...lol. I guess me and mr. Maddox will have to find something to do somewhere that has air conditioning. The Children's Museum maybe? He's walking so good now, he might be a little more independent this time. He's usually so clingy, but latley he's gotten brave and has started to venture off away from mommy when we go out. It's kinda sad because he's growing up but I sure am ready for it! He can't be a baby forever...can he?


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My First Blog Entry!!!

Ok, I'm pretty new at this. I've never had a blog before. But everyone else seems to have one and I wanna join the "in-crowd" haha.

more later...